Wednesday, October 22, 2014

PodCast Notes #3

·      The 18th century in Europe contained major struggles between French, Spanish, and English to become major world powers
·      This caused WORLD WARS
·      English and French were always opposed
·      King William’s War
·      Queen Anne’s War
·      1739 war of Austrian Succession – between England and Spain (France aligned with Spain) war ended in
·      Colonists fight with Canada to get strong points
·      When war is ended, strong holdings are given back to the French in the peace treaty. This upset the colonists.
·      Ohio River valley area.
·      French had already set up military outposts, and British were moving in.
·      George Washington with 150 men scouted where the French strongholds are. He runs into the French, shots are fired, and the French and Indian war begins
·      This is unique because it starts in the colony, not the mother country
·      The British were worried that the French subjects that they had recently acquired in Nova Scotia would turn on the British. So they sent them to Louisiana. 
·      The biggest war the world has ever seen before then
·      The British did not have a huge army. So they bankrolled the military efforts of Prussia.
·      British want the colonies to pay for support. The colonists don’t like this.
·      1760 the battle of Quebec occurs – British win because the French commander fights the European way.
·      French get booted from Canada. French get to keep territories in the West Indies. The British commander of quebec learns from this when Benedict Arnold goes to attack Quebec the British governor stays in the walled city, and not come out to fight. 
·      The area of Louisiana was given to the Spanish
·      Great Britain becomes THE super power
·      The French and Indian war gives the colonists extensive battle experience
·      Fight side by side with the British soldiers
·      , makes the soldiers humans, and gives the colonists a boost of confidence
·      Reasons for disunity amongst colonies:
·      Enormous distances
·      Geographical barriers (rivers and mountains)
·      Conflicting religions
·      Varying nationalities
·      Different types of government
·      Boundary disputes
·      Backcountry vs. wealthy planters
·      Privy council – a group of advisors to the king
·      Mercantilism- the colonies of North America are supposed to economically benefit the mother country
·      Navigation laws- restricted commerce from the colonies
·      Colonists were short on money because of mercantilism
·      Barter became the norm
·      Britain forbids the colonists from printing paper money
·      Created resentment
·      When French and Indian war ended Britain asked the colonists to pay for a standing British army to prevent further wars
·      Sugar act – increased the tax on imported sugar
·      Quartering act – required food and shelter to be provided for British troops
·      Stamp Act – taxed all printed paper

·      Military courts – no juries guilty until proven innocent (this took away colonist rights)

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