Outline 16-57 A Patriot’s History of the United States
The Colonial South
1606- James I granted the Virginia Company
Migrants to Jamestown included few skilled
farmers, or construction but were rather gentlemen who didn’t want to work
Disease decimated the colony
John Smith took over and made people work for
their food
Indentured Servitude came into play
Lord De La Warr arrives and takes over the
colony he also declares war on the Natives
Tobacco, Slaves, and Representative government
1612- John Rolfe made Jamestown profitable by
creating a cash crop: tobacco
Head right policy- required more land
Tobacco required more land
This required the colonists to develop further
into Natives land which cause conflict.
1619- first year slaves were brought to Jamestown
1619 – House of Burgesses is formed
When Charles I was executed the colony was
slightly ignored this allowed self government to foster
Bacon’s Rebellion
First mini civil war in the colonies.
Bacon was dissatisfied with the way Berkeley
treated the Natives
Bacon wanted more protection from the natives so
he marched against Jamestown
He, along with his rebellion, died from disease
The Maryland Experiment
1634 land grant to George Calvert passed to son
Cecilius Calvert
He was given full reign of his property
Maryland also had an assembly created from
elected members
Toleration act of 1649 – permitted ay Christian
faith to be practiced in the colony
Supported slavery and plantation system
The Carolinas: Charles Town vs. Cracker Culture
Created by 8 wealthy proprietors
Had plantations and slaves
Main export cash crop in the south : rice to the
sugar plantations to feed slaves
Main export cash crop in the north: tobacco
Life of the Common Colonials
Colonists are distinctly becoming less European
They (the colonists) made their own unique
clothes with special dyes
They had different foods
Fresh water was limited
Doctors were scarce
They believed that anyone could participate in
the government
Things that led to self government:
Distance from colonies to mainland
Instability in England government
The ability to own land bolstered colonists’
political confidence since it made them feel like royals or gentlemen
“the precedent of rebellion against a government
that did not carry out the most basic mandates”
religious toleration
New England’s Pilgrims and Puritans
Plymouth was created by religious reasons
The Mayflower got blown off course and where it
landed could potentially be a sign of disrespect to the crown
They created the Mayflower compact to show that
they landed there not in spite of the crown but for the glory of god and honor
of the king and country.
John Carver is elected governor
They had a ruff first winter
They had help from the native population
Massachusetts Bay Colony – created for religious
freedom (Puritans) by Winthrop he wanted to set an example for everyone else.
Government in Massachusetts was democratic
The Pequot War and American Militia System
Puritans came in conflict with the Pequot
This inspired the Militia system
July 1636 Pequot war declared
Mystic River, a slaughter of Native women, men
and children by the English
This made the Natives realize that they would
have to unify to fight the Whites
King Philips war was a staggering defeat for the
New England costal tribes
Militia had insubordination
Roger Williams and the limits of Religious Toleration
Roger Wiliams
church and state need to be completely separated
No one could determine who was “saved” and who
was “damned”
He left and found Rhode Island
Anne Hutchingson
Antinomianism, the “saved” need not obey
church’s laws
She moved to Rhode Island after getting the boot
because of her potentially upsetting preaches
Unique Middle Colonies: New
York, New Jersey, and Quaker Pennsylvania
The Glorious Revolution in England and America, 1688-69
Chapter 2: Colonial Adolescence
The Inability to Remain European
Shaping “Americanness”
Common life in the Early Eighteenth Century
Religion’s First
Great Awakening
Slavery’s American Origins and Evolution
Georgia: The last colony
Benign Neglect
Good outline!