Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Patriot's History of the United States

Outline 16-57 A Patriot’s History of the United States

The Colonial South
·      1606- James I granted the Virginia Company
·      Migrants to Jamestown included few skilled farmers, or construction but were rather gentlemen who didn’t want to work
·      Disease decimated the colony
·      John Smith took over and made people work for their food
·      Indentured Servitude came into play
·      Lord De La Warr arrives and takes over the colony he also declares war on the Natives
Tobacco, Slaves, and Representative government
·      1612- John Rolfe made Jamestown profitable by creating a cash crop: tobacco
·      Head right policy- required more land
·      Tobacco required more land
·      This required the colonists to develop further into Natives land which cause conflict.
·      1619- first year slaves were brought to Jamestown
·      1619 – House of Burgesses is formed
·      When Charles I was executed the colony was slightly ignored this allowed self government to foster
Bacon’s Rebellion
·      First mini civil war in the colonies.
·      Bacon was dissatisfied with the way Berkeley treated the Natives
·      Bacon wanted more protection from the natives so he marched against Jamestown
·      He, along with his rebellion, died from disease
The Maryland Experiment
·      1634 land grant to George Calvert passed to son Cecilius Calvert
·      He was given full reign of his property
·      Maryland also had an assembly created from elected members
·      Toleration act of 1649 – permitted ay Christian faith to be practiced in the colony
·      Supported slavery and plantation system
The Carolinas: Charles Town vs. Cracker Culture
·      Created by 8 wealthy proprietors
·      Had plantations and slaves
·      Main export cash crop in the south : rice to the sugar plantations to feed slaves
·      Main export cash crop in the north: tobacco
Life of the Common Colonials
·      Colonists are distinctly becoming less European
·      They (the colonists) made their own unique clothes with special dyes
·      They had different foods
·      Fresh water was limited
·      Doctors were scarce
·      They believed that anyone could participate in the government
·      Things that led to self government:
·    Distance from colonies to mainland
·    Instability in England government
·    The ability to own land bolstered colonists’ political confidence since it made them feel like royals or gentlemen
·    “the precedent of rebellion against a government that did not carry out the most basic mandates”
·    religious toleration
New England’s Pilgrims and Puritans
·      Plymouth was created by religious reasons (Pilgrims)
·      The Mayflower got blown off course and where it landed could potentially be a sign of disrespect to the crown
·      They created the Mayflower compact to show that they landed there not in spite of the crown but for the glory of god and honor of the king and country.
·      John Carver is elected governor
·      They had a ruff first winter
·      They had help from the native population (Squanto)
·      Massachusetts Bay Colony – created for religious freedom (Puritans) by Winthrop he wanted to set an example for everyone else.
·      Government in Massachusetts was democratic
The Pequot War and American Militia System
·      Puritans came in conflict with the Pequot
·      This inspired the Militia system
·      July 1636 Pequot war declared
·      Mystic River, a slaughter of Native women, men and children by the English
·      This made the Natives realize that they would have to unify to fight the Whites
·      King Philips war was a staggering defeat for the New England costal tribes
·      Militia had insubordination
Roger Williams and the limits of Religious Toleration
·      Roger Wiliams
·      church and state need to be completely separated
·      No one could determine who was “saved” and who was “damned”
·      He left and found Rhode Island
·      Anne Hutchingson
·      Antinomianism, the “saved” need not obey church’s laws
·      She moved to Rhode Island after getting the boot because of her potentially upsetting preaches
Unique Middle Colonies: New  York, New Jersey, and Quaker Pennsylvania

The Glorious Revolution in England and America, 1688-69

Chapter 2: Colonial Adolescence
The Inability to Remain European
Shaping “Americanness”
Common life in the Early Eighteenth Century
 Religion’s First Great Awakening
Slavery’s American Origins and Evolution
Georgia: The last colony
Benign Neglect

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