Who wrote the document?
What is the author’s background/point of view?
James Madison was the fourth president of the United States. He led America into the War of 1812, helped draft the constitution, created the bill of rights, and supervised the Louisiana Purchase.
Whose point of view, given the topic, is
The British, the native americans and the general population of America
Do you consider the source a reliable one on this topic? Why/why not?
This is a persuasive piece created by James Madison to convince Congress to declare war on Britain. In any persuasion speech there is bias. So in this way the piece is reliable to express the viewpoints and reasons for declaring war against Britain, but does not justly represents the cons against war.
When was the document written?
June 1st 1812
What does the date of the document tell you about its content?
It was 19 days before the war of 1812 officially starts. This means that James MAdison was successful in his persuasion.
What other historical events were going on during this time?
The Napoleonic wars were going on at this time. America took the stance as neutral, but could not remain out of the politics between the British and the French.
To whom is the author writing?
James Madison is addressing congress: "To the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States"
What type of document is this (diary entry, personal letter, public speech,
This document is a public Speech.
Does the private/public nature of the document inform you about its content
(is the author sharing private thoughts, making a public pronouncement,
Due to the fact that the document is public in nature, you can be sure that James Madison was very careful in conducting his words. This may veil his true intentions of going to war with Britain because he was trying to persuade congress and the public.
Why was the document written? What is the purpose of the document?
Who wrote the document?
James Madison
What is the author’s background/point of view?
James Madison was the fourth president of the United States. He led America into the War of 1812, helped draft the constitution, created the bill of rights, and supervised the Louisiana Purchase.
Whose point of view, given the topic, is
The British, the native americans and the general population of America
Do you consider the source a reliable one on this topic? Why/why not?
This is a persuasive piece created by James Madison to convince Congress to declare war on Britain. In any persuasion speech there is bias. So in this way the piece is reliable to express the viewpoints and reasons for declaring war against Britain, but does not justly represents the cons against war.
When was the document written?
June 1st 1812
What does the date of the document tell you about its content?
It was 19 days before the war of 1812 officially starts. This means that James MAdison was successful in his persuasion.
What other historical events were going on during this time?
The Napoleonic wars were going on at this time. America took the stance as neutral, but could not remain out of the politics between the British and the French.
To whom is the author writing?
James Madison is addressing congress: "To the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States"
What type of document is this (diary entry, personal letter, public speech,
This document is a public Speech.
Does the private/public nature of the document inform you about its content
(is the author sharing private thoughts, making a public pronouncement,
Due to the fact that the document is public in nature, you can be sure that James Madison was very careful in conducting his words. This may veil his true intentions of going to war with Britain because he was trying to persuade congress and the public.
Why was the document written? What is the purpose of the document?
James Madison wrote this document to encourage congress to declare war against Britain.
What is the document saying?
Madison asks that Congress declare war against Britain, listing four major grievances to justify action: impressment, illegal blockades, the Orders in Council, and British responsibility for renewing Indian warfare in the northwest. The President insists that a state of war already existed and to ignore these grievances would undermine U.S. sovereignty through an implicit acceptance of British actions.
What is the attitude of the speaker?
What is the document saying?
Madison asks that Congress declare war against Britain, listing four major grievances to justify action: impressment, illegal blockades, the Orders in Council, and British responsibility for renewing Indian warfare in the northwest. The President insists that a state of war already existed and to ignore these grievances would undermine U.S. sovereignty through an implicit acceptance of British actions.
What is the attitude of the speaker?
The speaker is condemning towards Britain and patriotic for America.
Whose Point of View is Missing: 1) British; 2) Canadians - or those British, French and Americans living in Upper Canada; 3) The Native Americans; 4) The American Populations in general.