Thursday, December 11, 2014

Chapter 17 Questions


The Accession of "Tyler Too"
Know:    William Henry Harrison, John Tyler
14.        "Yet Tyler...should never have consented to run on the ticket."  Explain this quote from your text.

Tyler should not have run for the ticket because he disagreed with all of the unspoken platform ideologies in all aspects. As an ex-democrat (still more democrat than whig) Tyler was against large banks and protective tariffs. After Harrison died, and he took over presidency, he alienated many of his cabinet makers and whig politicians due to his viewpoints. 

John Tyler:   A President Without a Party
Know:    "His Accidency,"  Henry Clay
15.        What proof can you give of Tyler's unpopularity?  What did Tyler do that made Whigs so angry with him?

Tyler vetoed a centralized bank which would aid in many merchants profits. This caused burning of effigies and life threatening letters to become a normal. He was officially expelled from his party and there was an attempt to impeach him. He couldn't even stand up for his own principles because the treasury needed money. Tyler signed the Tariff of 1842.

A War of Words with England
Know:    CarolineCreole
16.             Explain at least four causes of tension between the US and Great Britain in the 1830's and 1840's.

The two previous anglo-American wars (American Revolution and war of 1812) provided great tension. Americans were constantly worried that the british would come back and try to resubmit them to their rule. During the American Revolution a severe distrust and disliking to the "red coats" formed which was still in place at this time. The Federalists died out. This made the political scene anti-british because no Federalists were out there speaking up for the country. British officials in the West Indies protected runaway slaves. This cause the south to reject the British. Southerners were always worried about slave revolts and the safe haven for escapees was not acceptable. Another event that caused tension was when Americans flocked to the canadian rebellion to help. 

Manipulating the Maine Maps
Know:    Aroostook War, Lord Ashburton, Daniel Webster
17.        What was the result of the Ashburton-Webster Treaty?

The Ashburton-Webster Treaty was a compromise on the Maine boundary. The Americans retains 7,000 square miles of the 12,000 square miles that were disputed. The British got less land, but received their important trade route. In the small print the British gave up 6,500 square miles which contained the priceless Mesabi iron ore of minnesota. 

The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone
Know:    Lone Star Republic
18.        How did Mexico view Texas from 1836 to 1845?

In Mexico's view Texas was simply like a little child throwing a temper tantrum, eventually they would be able to take over control once agin, but it did not recognize Texas's power and refused to acknowledge its independence

The Belated Texas Nuptials
Know:    Conscience Whigs
19.        Why did some hesitate to annex Texas?  Why was it finally admitted to the Union?

The questions of slavery was a very risky one that America was split on. Annexing Texas would upset the balance between slave states and free states thus causing one side to have a larger power in the congress where they could push bills down the others throats. Tyler pushed hard for annexation by creating a compromise  by a joint resolution which only required a majority in both houses of congress. It was able to pass because Texas was near to America, it was rich in land, and it was willing to join. Also, this further aided in american's view of Manifest Destiny. 

Oregon Fever Populates Oregon
Know:    54 40', Willamette Valley, Oregon Trail
20.        What change with Oregon from 1819 to 1844 caused the British to become more willing to negotiate a final boundary?

The Americans were overpopulating Oregon. "Oregon fever" took place causing many explorers to adventure to oregon and outnumber their british neighbors. If the British did not settle with a boundary they would end up with nothing because the Americans would simply take it. 

A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny
Know:    James K. Polk, Dark Horse
21.        What part did Manifest Destiny play in the 1844 election?

Although Henry Clary was easily the most popular candidate James J. Polk favored expansion through annexing Texas (which gained him many votes among the slave holding states). This along with the idea of Manifest Destiny caused expansionist democrats to side with Polk.

Polk the Purposeful
22.        What were Polk's four goals?  Assess his degree of success.

Polk's four goals were to lower the tariff, restore an independent treasury, acquire california, and settle the oregon dispute. He managed to do all of these with success, however immoral it was to declare war for land. Polk lowered the tariff from 32 to 25%. 

Misunderstandings with Mexico
Know:    John Slidell, Nueces River
23.        What were the sources of the strained relationship between the U.S. and Mexico?

After the rebellion of Texas against Mexico America had a claim of 3 million dollars in damages to America citizens, which the Mexicans agreed to pay, but they could not come up with their payments. They also were still pissed off about Texas's rebellion in general, and had in fact severed diplomatic ties because of it. Lastly. the boundaries between Texas and MExico were still disputed. 

American Blood on American (?) Soil
Know:    Zachary Taylor, Spot Resolutions
24.        Explain some of the reasons Congress declared war on Mexico.

Polk's declaration of war called on Congress's patriotic appeal. He stated that Americans' blood was shed on America's soil which should enrage patriotic Americans . In reality though, Polk needed to acquire california from MExico, and they would not sell it to him. He therefore had to force a war so that he could justly take it from them. 

The Mastering of Mexico
Know:    Stephen Kearney, John C. Fremont, Bear Flag Republic, Winfield Scott
25.        What battles were fought to defeat Mexico?

There were three main battle that allowed America to defeat Mexico: Santa Fe, Buena Vista, and Mexico city. Also, Polk had to convince and enrage Americans so that they would agree to fight the war which was a battle in itself

Fighting Mexico for Peace
Know:    Nicholas P. Trist, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
26.        Why did some people oppose the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

Some people opposed the treaty due to morality issues. There were two reasons: the first that it would expand the "curious institution" of slavery and second it would take land from another country for no reason other than greed. The whigs were the people who generally opposed the war. 

Profit and Loss in Mexico
Know:    Wilmot Proviso
27.        What positive and negative outcomes resulted for the United States from the Mexican-American War?

America lost thirteen thousand soldiers, hurt their relationships with Latin America,  and the issue of slavery was brought to the tip of the political views. However, they did manage to increase their territory by about 1/3, (which included the valuable gold of california) and gain valuable field experience to fight the civil war. 

Makers of America: The Californios
Know:    Californios, Father Junipero Serra, Franciscans, Secularization, Anglos
28.        How did the Californios gain and then lose power?

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