Tuesday, August 26, 2014

SOAPTONE Brief Account of the Devestation of the Indies


Who wrote the document? 

Bartolome de Las Casas wrote  Brief Account of the Devestation of the Indies (1542)

What is the author’s background/point of view?  

He was a historian and activists for Native Americans. Although, at first he did own slaves and treat them horribly he had a change of heart when he read a sermon Sermon out of a book. He began to preach against the cruelty of the way the Spaniards treat Natives, but was met with resistance.

Whose point of view, given the topic, is 

The Natives.

Do you consider the source a reliable one on this topic?  Why/why not? 

Bartolome was clearly writing with his emotions. He was a historian, however, so the numbers of land measurements and populations may be closer to accurate. The rate killed may be over exaggerated because of the way he attached his emotions to his work.


When was the document written? 


What does the date of the document tell you about its content? 

This was 49 years after Columbus’s discovery of the New World.

What other historical events were going on during this time? 

Pope Paul III begins inquisition against Protestants


To whom is the author writing? 

The public

What type of document is this (diary entry, personal letter, public speech, 

Public speech/print

Does the private/public nature of the document inform you about its content 
(is the author sharing private thoughts, making a public pronouncement, 

He is making a public pronouncement trying to convince them of their wrong doings.

Why was the document written?  What is the purpose of the document? 

The document was written by a priest to document the devastation of the Indies. It was published to advocate on the Natives behalf.

What is the document saying? 

The document is saying that the Spaniards have not done correctly in their treatment of the Natives and they need to treat them better.


What is the attitude of the speaker?

Batolome is condemning towards the actions of the Spaniards.

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