Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapter 10 Questions


Growing Pains
Know:             Trans-Appalachia
19.       Did America appear to have a bright future in 1789?  Explain.

When the Constitution was launched in 1789, the population was doubling about every twenty-five years, and the first official census of 1790 recorded almost 4 million people. Slippery Spanish and British agents moved freely among the settlers and held out seductive promises of independence (United States appeared disjointed)

Washington for President
Know:             George Washington, Cabinet, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox
20.       Was Washington an important president?  Explain.

George Washington was our country's first President, which makes him historically very important. He established cabinet of advisors for the president. He set the standard for future Presidents. If he did not become president than many of the colonies would not be able to agree on a leader.

The Bill of Rights
Know:             James Madison, Ninth Amendment, Tenth Amendment, Judiciary Act, John Jay
21.       What important steps were taken by the first congress?

The first congress took many steps to insure that the Constitution would function. First: Amendments to the Constitution could be proposed in two ways—by a new constitutional convention requested by two-thirds of the states or by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress. The Bill of rights, safeguard some of American principles
such freedom of religion, speech, and the press; the right to bear arms and to be tried by a jury; and the right to assemble and petition government for redress of grievances. It also prohibits cruel and unusual punishment and unright search and seizure. The ninth amendment states that although these specific rights are addressed it does not limit other rights. The tenth amendment gives all rights not explicitly stated or prohibited to the states or to the people. 

Hamilton Revives the Corpse of Public Credit
Know:             Funding at Par, Assumption of State Debts
22.       How did Alexander Hamilton's economic plans lead to the District of Columbia?

After six months of debate, Hamilton, Jefferson and Madison met and worked out the Compromise of 1790. The capital would move permanently to Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia).  This was in return for Jefferson to line up enough votes in congress for assumption.

Customs Duties and Excise Taxes
Know:             Revenue Tariffs, Protective Tariffs, Excise Taxes
23.       Explain Hamilton's overall economic plan for America.

1. Bolster national credit: Urged Congress to assume the debts of the states and fund the national debt at par. By assuming the debt it would become a national obligation and force the states into a bond with the federal govt. as well as unite the states.
2. Funding at par: The federal govt. would pay off its debts at face value + interest.
He planned on paying off the debt by increasing tariff on foreign trades (ironically just what they said that they left Britain for).

Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank
Know:             Bank of the United States, Strict Construction, Loose Construction, Elastic Clause
24.       How did the issue of the Bank of the United States reveal a difference in understanding about the Constitution between Jefferson and Hamilton?

Hamilton devised a Bank of the United States, with the right to establish branches in different parts of the country. Jefferson advocated a decentralized agrarian republic. He did not want a strong central government. Jefferson took the constitution literally and restrictively whereas Hamilton sawit as permitting for the new bank. 

Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania
Know:             Whiskey Rebellion   
25.       Was the Whiskey Rebellion a victory for freedom, order, or both?  Explain.

The whiskey rebellion was fought for freedom, but a victory for order. George Washington was able to command more respect after putting down the small rebellion. However because it strengthened the government it weakened the people’s freedom.

The Emergence of Political Parties
Know:             Factions, Parties
26.       Why did political parties develop during George Washington's presidency?  Were they good or bad?
The first political parties in the U.S. after the Revolutionary War developed as a result of the debate over the new National Bank and how the federal government was beginning to overshadow the state government. They were headed by Alexander Hamilton (pro large government) and Thomas Jefferson (against large federal government). The two parties were essential to a sound democracy because the party not in power provided a sort of balance to the party in power.

The Impact of the French Revolution
Know:             Democratic-Republicans, Federalists, French Revolution, Reign of Terror
27.       In what way did the French Revolution expose the differing views of Democratic-Republicans and     Federalists?

Federalist worried the American republicans could replicate the horrible French Revolution and some people believed that the Democratic Republicans had similar views as the radicalists in the French Revolution. Democratic Republicans saw the blood shed of the French Revolution unappealing, but necessary for freedom. This worried the Federalists who thought that they might be next on the guillotine. 

Washington's Neutrality Proclamation
Know:             Franco-American Alliance, Neutrality Proclamation, Citizen Genet
28.       Explain the reasoning for and against Washington's Neutrality Proclamation.

This was a proclamation made by George Washington that assured America would remain neutral in the war between Britain and France. Since Washington did not want to get into the war, he remained neutral. It angered many Jeffersonians (the pro-French who thought that they should fight with them). Washington's reasoning was that the Nation needed to build up in strength and population so that it would not invite catastrophe into America.

Embroilments with Britain
Know: Anthony Wayne, Battle of Fallen Timbers, Treaty of Greenville
29.       How did British actions towards Native Americans and American merchant ships incite many Americans?

British agents openly sold firearms and firewater to the Indians of the Miami Confederacy whom under Little Turtle defeated American forces until General Wayne beat them at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Also, although America was "neutral" the British seized many American ships that were going into and out of the West Indies. This enraged many Americans who called for a boycott of British goods, but Hamilton's plan for the economy depended on robust trade with Britain. 

Jay's Treaty and Washington's Farewell
Know:             Jay's Treaty, Farewell Address
30.       Did John Jay betray American interests in Jay's Treaty.

John Jay's treaty was between the United States and Great Britain to regulate commerce and navigation. Britain promised to evacuate their western posts and consented to pay for damages for the recent seizures of American Ships. They did not address future seizures, however, and made the United States pay the debts still owed to British Merchants on on Pre-Revolutionary accounts. Americans were outraged by Jay's Treaty. Specifically Jeffersonians in the south whom would have to pay most of the dent. Many Americans even burned effigies of John Jay as a reaction to it.

John Adams Becomes President
Know:             John Adams, High Federalists
31.       What handicaps did John Adams face as he became president?

Unlike George Washington Adams did not have very good social skills or appeal to the masses. He was a tactless intellectual aristocrat. Adams was hated by his vice president, Hamilton, and did not have a strong cabinet. Also, France had a quarrel with America and Adams inherited that.

Unofficial Fighting with France
Know:             John Marshall, XYZ Affair, "Millions for Defense, but Not One Cent for Tribute
32.       What French actions brought America close to war in the closing years of the 18th century?

The French Revolution began in 1789. France was infuriated by John Jay's treaty believing that the Americans were allying themselves with Britain. French warships began to seize defenseless American merchant vessels. In an attempt to reconcile Adams sent men to France to meet with the French Foreign Minister, but they had to pay a bribe to talk which they refused to do. The idea of bribery enraged Americans and they began to attack the West Indies. 

Adams Puts Patriotism above Party
Know:             Napoleon Bonaparte, Convention of 1800
33.             How did avoiding war with France hurt John Adams' political career?

Adams lost supporters by avoiding war with France. Americans were extremely pissed off at France and wanted to fight, but Adams saw that the Nation would not be able to hold it together so he remained peaceful. 

The Federalist Witch Hunt
Know:             Alien Laws, Sedition Act
34.       Explain the reasons for the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

The Sedition Act effectively made it a crime for any person to criticize the President, the Congress or the Government of the United States. 

The Alien Act empowered President Adams to arrest, detain, and deport any non-citizen he found to be a danger to the security of the nation. These were generally popular because of the Anti-French hysteria that was sweeping the nation.

The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions
Know: Compact Theory, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, Nullification
35.       Which was more dangerous to the US Constitution: the Alien and Sedition Acts or the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?  Explain.

The Alien and Sedition acts were more dangerous to the constitution because by making it illegal to criticize the government you outright disobey the first amendment. Also, this would let the government go wild with out being able to get checked. 

Federalists versus Democratic-Republicans
36.       What were some key differences between Federalists and Democratic Republicans?

The Federalist Party believed in a strong national (federal) government with powers over the state governments. Hamilton looked outward and eastward believing that America needed to be respected in foreign affairs. The Democratic-Republicans believed that states should have more power than the national government. Jefferson looked inward and westward. His foal was to protect and strengthen democracy at home. 


  1. 19) Is this "yes" or "no" or both?
    20) You could argue that no-one but Washington could have been the first President.
    22) You might want to discuss what "assumption" is.
    25) The whiskey rebellion was fought for freedom, but a victory for order - what do you mean?
    31) 31. What handicaps did John Adams face as he became president?

    Unlike George Washington Adams did not have very good social skills or appeal to the masses. He was a tactless intellectual aristocrat. Adams was hated by his vice president, Hamilton, and did not have a strong cabinet. Also, France had a quarrel with America and Adams inherited that. IS ANY OF THIS RIGHT?
    35. Which was more dangerous to the US Constitution: the Alien and Sedition Acts or the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions? Explain.

    The Alien and Sedition acts were more dangerous to the constitution because by making it illegal to criticize the government you outright disobey the first amendment. Also, this would let the government go wild with out being able to get checked.

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    1. You are very welcome. Good luck on your AP test!

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