SOAPTONE An Attack on the Salem Witch Trials
Who wrote the document?
Who wrote the document?
Thomas Brattle
What is the author’s background/point of view?
Thomas Brattle was a well educated Boston Merchant. He had interests in science and mathematics as well as commerce. Brattle was a liberal in both his political and religious views and opposed Puritan ways.
Thomas Brattle was a well educated Boston Merchant. He had interests in science and mathematics as well as commerce. Brattle was a liberal in both his political and religious views and opposed Puritan ways.
Whose point of view, given the topic, is
The accused “witch”.
Do you consider the source a reliable one on this topic? Why/why not?
Yes, it accurately portrays the view of non supporters of the Salem Witch trial. It does not portray all views of the Witch trial, and is biased because it is written by one person.
When was the document written?
What does the date of the document tell you about its content?
It was during the time of the Witch Trials. This
means that the article was written during the time of the trials meaning it is
a primary source.
What other historical events were going on during this time?
Salem Witch trials
To whom is the author writing?
Unknown English clergy man
What type of document is this (diary entry, personal letter, public speech,
Private letter that got circulated
Does the private/public nature of the document inform you about its content
(is the author sharing private thoughts, making a public pronouncement,
(is the author sharing private thoughts, making a public pronouncement,
The privatness of this letter allows Brattle to
condemn the ongoing of the witch trials without being judged.
Why was the document written? What is the purpose of the document?
This document was written to condemn the way the
witches were judged (not whether or not they were witches).
What is the document saying?
That the witches testimony, being affected by
the devil, should not be taken seriously.
What is the attitude of the speaker?
Good job on this! Isn't this funny that the author doesn't disagree with the idea of witches?